Why it is Most Important to Celebrate Life Everyday
There are times when nothing is works, everything is falling to pieces you are pulled from multiple directions, you feel totally disoriented and you are completely clueless as to what you should do.
Having been through multiple long phases of fantastically [because now it feels how could I could have survived those] difficult periods of — acute disappointments*, depressions*, series of rejections*, failure*s in spite of putting my 100% in the right direction.
Through these struggles — I discovered something very fundamentally simple methods of maintaining my sanity, my emotional balance and recharging my internal mental, emotional and physical energies,
Some these you too can practice are
- 1.The day you are most tired — ensure that you do exercise/walk — even if it is for 15 minutes
- 2.The day you are most busy [it is the most important one] — take small-small breaks
- 3.The things that are bothering you OR the tough decisions you are avoiding — facing them head-on and just take action
- 4.Handle the toughest and most difficult tasks first — break them down into small-small parts + scheduling them + taking action + finishing till it is actually done with
- 5.If your relationship has hit the bottom — AND- both of you want the relationship to not only survive BUT also thrive — have the courage to bring the issue in the open through discussions + resolving the conflict* through accepting your part AND creating agreement of future nurturing efforts by both the partners [ this works only through the deep commitment of both the partners — if one partner only promises and the other only contributes — it would never work]
- 6.If you feel depressed* — take action instead of wallowing + seek help + talk with trusted people, who understand you
- 7.Continuously try to seek solutions for making things better, improving the situation and for creating resourceful emotional-state
- 8.Experimenting by trying out unconventional ways to address the old recurring issues — till you find which works
- 9.Channelize the power of — destructive* thoughts* + anger* + frustrations* into something meaningful to keep engaged* in constructed activities
- 10. By celebrating, rejoicing and feeling good through taking actions in all the above 9 points
These are difficult to practice unless you can get it into your reflex-action nature.
I have been able to implement all of them — although at times I fail in practicing these.
Many additional inputs you can get through my blog Simplify* to amplify your life — besides the ones given below plus all the *marked ones for detailed DIY tips on those topics exhaustively — in my blog section “from the heart of Subhashis in Success Unlimited Mantra Website.
Many of these phases, situations, events happen in our life due to
- 1.Areas completely out of your control
- 2.Being imposed on you — by others — without your triggering them
- 3.Accumulative effect of your neglecting some very crucial, important and basics actions — which was not urgent earlier — but have acquired mammoth power* now
- 4.You are passing through a tough, bad phase in your life
- 5.You are living in only hopes and prayers — without putting any effort or taking appropriate actions* [popularly referred as living in fool’s paradise]
- 6.Doing the same thing yet expecting miraculously different results*
- 7.Not taking personal accountability BUT enjoying your victimhood thoroughly [ please don’t take this lightly — as many insecure people actually enjoy feeling sorry and trying make others feel how bad is their pain*]
- 8.Living in Denial*
- 9.Fighting change*
- 10. Giving-up*
- 11. You only complain* instead of negotiating solutions*
- 12. You accept the criticism* of others at the face value
- 13. Many times, we underrate, undervalue, undersell ourselves
- 14. You compare ourselves with billions of dollars — and feel let down or feel like a failure [without actually understanding how they have reached this position]
- 15. You Never Finish What Your Start
- 16. Instead working on sustainable long-term solutions, you resort to quick-fixes and harming means
- 17. You are more gas than REAL — your focus is on impressing others, seeking other’s approval, getting their attentions etc. etc.
- 18. You don’t accept*, love* and believe* yourself* — unconditionally— for full read https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog/celebrating-life-even-if-you-don-t-feel-like-celebrating