Why Intelligent Choose to have Less Friends


65 Reason Why Intelligent People have Less Friends

In this article you will learn the following

-65 traits and the reason why intelligent people have less friends

-27 challenges smart people face

-7 People-type and their choice of friends

-7 types of people real Intelligent and Smart people avoid

Why intelligent people are socially selective

Your personality determines you choice of friends — although you may find it difficult to see this phenomenon about yourself.

But if you are good observer of human natureyou can’t miss to notice- the principle of — like likes like — about others.

You would invariably notice that the intellectually-gifted smart-intelligent — people have very few friends.

Unless the reason for having few-friends is psychological issues — having less friends is not necessarily a bad thing — it could turn out to be of advantage to you.

As per earlier belief — people who had an IQ score of 160+ were referred as genius and of MENSA-standard and anyone who had IQ of 130+ were called intelligent.

Now a days — the real-intelligent and smart people are those who have high EQ+SQ+SpQ & 42 types of intelligence [read my articles on these].

7 People-type and their choice of friends

  • 1.People of vile & evil nature flock together
  • 2.Mediocre and average [this could be the largest bunch]
  • 3.Foolish people have equally foolish [this could be second largest group] followers and friends
  • 4.Intelligent and smart people [their numbers is the smallest] choose similarly bright people
  • 5.Confident and successful people mix with others successful achievers
  • 6.Dictators choose fools, insecure and people of vile & evil nature as their supporters and followers
  • 7.Negative people can be found around people who gossip, backbite and who are generally melancholic

65 traits and the reason why intelligent people have less friends

  • 1.The number of real intelligent and smart people is very-very less — actually a minuscule compared to ordinary and average people [so they have less options to make friends]
  • 2.Intelligent person tend to be very choosy — as they might have few unconscious standards and benchmarks to choose their friends and acquaintances
  • 3.7 types of people real Intelligent and Smart people avoid
  • I.People who accuse and blame others
  • II.People who make excuses
  • III.People who throw tantrums
  • IV.People who pass time and waste their time
  • V.People who show-off and display a lot of drama elements
  • VI.People who are not very focused on success
  • VII.People who are not learners
  • 4. Smart people value the importance of focusing on the larger picture and important goals — they don’t want to dilute this
  • 5. Smart and intelligent people have different ways to manage their time — they treat time as one of the most important element to invest wisely
  • 6.Although they too have need to relate with other human beings socially — they just can’t hang-out with anyone
  • 7.When you don’t know them — they may come out as selfish and self-centered
  • 8.Intelligent people are focused on improving their life qualitatively — which they realize CAN be achieved through having selective people around and away from the crowd
  • 9.They have very high degree of emotional and social intelligence — along with high intellectual quotient
  • 10.They are generally goals, accomplishment and action focused
  • 11.Many of the intelligent and smart people may believe that more social interactions can make them lose
  • 12.They may have few friends but the quality of relationships that they enjoy with these people is of extremely high quality
  • 13.They are very flexible and adaptable to new changes
  • 14.But the smarter and more intelligent they are — they more selective they become in choosing friends
  • 15.They are fully comfortable in being themselves
  • 16.They enjoy spending time in their own company — which they use to introspect, contemplate and reflect on future plans, finding solutions and realistic day-dreaming
  • 17.They always give priority to achieving their goals rather than having fun with friends
  • 18. Smart people value relationships in a different way
  • 19.They also have different value on how they spend their time
  • 20.Most of them have JOMO — joy of missing out [as oppose to FOMO — fear of missing out] read my articles on both
  • 21.They are great observer and learn a lot through this — they can foresee and predict trends
  • 22.Many of them are disruptive thinkers
  • 23.They talks less and listen more
  • 24.They also like to spend time with people who are smarter and more intelligent and more successful than them
  • 25.Many of them create changes that affect the masses and change the future
  • 26.They have abundance of energy
  • 27. Family is most important to them
  • 28.They avoid drama at all cost
  • 29.Many of them turn out to be visionaries
  • 30. Smart people are focused on long-term larger than life goals
  • 31.Socially intelligent people — don’t try to win argument — in fact they avoid arguments and gossips — they listen to understand — they accept that everyone is entitled to their own opinion
  • 32.They enjoy deep conversations
  • 33.They are more comfortable in small groups
  • 34.They want to make best use of their resources like time, energy, money etc. As they realize that these are limited
  • 35.Positive signs of high intelligence
  • 36.High common-sense
  • 37.Practical wisdom
  • 38.Ability to learn new languages easily
  • 39.High self-awareness and understanding
  • 40.Innovative and creative mindset
  • 41.Problem solver
  • 42.Quick decision makers
  • 43.Very high levels of curiosity
  • 44.Absolutely no EGO
  • 45.Can show their vulnerabilities
  • 46.Accept their mistakes and then work on to correct those
  • 47.Don’t have any issue admitting that they don’t know something
  • 48.Clear about the basics of success, growth, relationship
  • 49.Flexible and adaptable to pivot when something that they decided does not work
  • 50.Very good empathy
  • 51. Open to learn from anyone and anytime
  • 52.Ask great and thought-provoking questions
  • 53.Challenge experts and conventional practices and norms
  • 54.They don’t assume anything and challenge their own assumptions
  • 55.They are continuous learners
  • 56.They are aware of their own triggers and drivers
  • 57.They experiment and try newer ways to do old things
  • 58.They choose to hang out with people who are smarter than them
  • 59.They exercise their body and mind regularly
  • 60.They take risks after weighing pros and cons
  • 61.They also keep contingency plans
  • 62.When they are scared to anything — they acknowledge and then take a step towards what scares them
  • 63.They are okay with failing and stretch themselves in the realm of unknown
  • 64.They take full responsibilities of their actions and its consequences
  • 65.They are very clear about their priorities

27 challenges smart people face

  • 1.Intelligent people find it harder to fall in love and maintain romantic relationships for long
  • 2.Some people with high IQ may get into alcohol, drugs , multiple relationships and can develop few psychological and mental disorders
  • 3.Being a genius is not same as having a very high IQ — the real intelligent people also have very high degree of self-awareness, creativity and ability to ask uncomfortable questions of themselves as well as others
  • 4. Smart and intelligent people are often misunderstood — because they are thinking ahead and when they share something — it goes above the ordinary thinking levels
  • This article was originally published as “65 Reason Why Intelligent People have Less Friends “ in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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