Why practicing self-honesty is hardest and how can we do it correctly

Acquire massive advantages of being honest with yourself

12 basics clarifications about being honest

1. There are two possible ways not to tell the truth — by not providing the information that you have AND by giving false information.

2. Excessive sharing of personal information with everyone is unhealthy and is not about making us more honest

3. We don’t have to explain and tell everyone everything

4. Context is the baseline — we need to analyze whether people need the information that we have AND whether it will add positive value to us and to them

5. We don’t have to share — those things that someone has confided in you and asked you not to share

6. Sometimes it is better not to say something — if it has got no value for anyone

7. We also need to be able to remain silent if the information — will create chaos, problems and stress

8. We have to actually decide if is it right to provide false information or lie — on case to case basis based on our values and its value-addition factors

9. Avoiding hurting others takes precedence over — Truthfulness — Truthfulness and tact must go hand in hand

10. There certainly will be few circumstances in which lying may be necessary — again it has to be purely on merits and impact

11. We have to find the balance — neither overplaying nor underplaying either our virtues or our weaknesses

12. The opposite of honesty is deception or lying — Lying to yourself is the worst thing you can do to yourself

30 ways we can practice self-honesty and make it a natural part of your life and existence

1. Create your Me-time and your own sanctum-sanctorum to relax, introspect and meditate — so that slowly you are able to hear your inner voice.

2. Have a support system as practicing self-honesty is very-very tough and we need to have people whom we trust and who have our best interests at heart — especially for painful reality checks

3. All the areas of our life — where we have very high levels of dissatisfaction — we need to reassess with brutal honesty — on what are not working and what we need to change AND whether we should for complete fresh start

4. Understand that no matter how much we are able cover it up for the world — we will always be what we are at the core

5. We can change our life — dramatically — only by practicing the following

for full article — please read — “Acquire massive advantages of being honest with yourself” in Success Unlimited Mantra’s blog section — “from the heart of Subhashis”

