Why we repeat mistakes How to minimize making dumb mistakes


30 tips Stop Repeating Stupid Mistakes 15 Reasons We Repeat Mistakes

How to stop repeating same mistakes again and again

In this article you will learn the following

-15 Reasons why we keep making similar mistake again and again

-30 Tips How to minimize repeating same mistakes again

Why we keep repeating the same mistakes — Psychology of Repeating Mistakes.

Many of us would have had the experience of feeling frustrated for repeating stupid mistakes — and it might have happened a number of times in your life.

Even after telling myself that I will never make them — I keep repeating stupid mistakes all over again and again and this is not a one-time phenomenon — but is the only constant of my life.

Some of the typical mistakes we keep repeating again and again — could be any of these sample mistakes and more — dating the wrong person, doing something to lose your valuable relationships, losing job maybe because of EGO, making errors in judgment, self-abuse — abusing yourself with things like overeating, self-harm, using alcohol and drugs and tolerating abusive-toxic relationships etc.

In this article we will explore — why we repeat dumb mistakes and how to minimize repeating mistakes.

15 Reasons why we keep making similar mistake again and again

1. You have not learned anything from your mistakes

2. You try to avoid, suppress and reviewing your past mistakes — so as not to feel bad

3. You don’t introspect to analyze your mistakes — objectively — instead you try to justify

4. You don’t remember the lesson — later when you need it

5. Because of time lag and different situation — you are able to recall the mistake only after you have committed the same yet again

6. You know only one way to act — which leads to your making same mistakes again and again [like in parenting -you might have picked-up something that your parents did which does not work with your kids but you still use it]

7. You are scared to try something new and break free from your conditioning

8. Repeating the same mistake is generally associated with impulsiveness, poor judgment, volatile feelings and self-obsession.

9. It can also happen because your earlier mistakes had very insignificant consequences or maybe because you escaped bad results due to sheer luck — this types of experience might make your subconscious repeat that mistake again.

10. Your mental-emotional MENTAL HEALTH also have big impact on your impulsiveness as well as on your DECISION MAKING.

11. Having low self-esteem, low self-confidence, low self-pride, depression and anxiety may make you avoid taking decisions.

12. Your past wrong decisions and mistakes — make you play it safe.

13. Many of you live a life of impulsivity because you have given your emotions way too much power and attention and are driven by your emotions and feelings.

14. Many times you rely too much on your intuition, 6th sense and gut-feeling — instead of creating a healthy balance between informed decisions and your intuition.

15. Many times you are stuck with certain un-resourceful behavior patterns — and to gratify your EGO you choose actions which have negative consequences.

30 Tips How to minimize repeating same mistakes again

1. Become aware of which types of mistakes you keep repeating again and again — make a list

2. Acknowledge and accept that you have made these mistakes without berating yourself

3. Identify what types of damage these repeated mistakes do to your — self-esteem, profession, mental, financial and in your relationships spheres

4. Identify if there are triggers — certain situation, few specific people and or your own emotions which makes you use an un-resourceful and negative behaviors, decisions and actions leading to unwanted consequence

5. Commit to finding effective ways to deal with these triggers

6. Understand that every single person makes mistakes and that most failures are temporary setbacks ALSO accept that if you want to achieve great things you will make failures and make many mistakes

7. Commit to correcting and making up for all the mistakes you have made

8. Make yourself determined to bounce back from all failures and setbacks

9. Identify what you are doing right AND where you are making mistakes

10. Identify whether you are driven to be a perfectionist — if so — put concentrated efforts to focus on creating excellence with productivity

11. Identify your mistake making patterns of behavior — because one off mistakes normally does not disrupt your life in big ways unless the mistake is very-very serious

12. Identify your long-term Goals

13. Work backwards from your end results to identify all the milestones that you need to reach in order to accomplish your big dream

14. Identify the skill, resource and attitude gap — which you must fill in order to grow, succeed and achieve your goals

15. Identify all the challenges that may derail you

16. Identify your mindsets, behaviors, assumptions and perceptions that makes you take those actions which lead to mistakes

17. Explore multiple ways to accomplish all your inspiring goals

18. Schedule daily, weekly, monthly and yearly action-steps you have to take to realize your dreams

19. Set realistic standards and expectations

20. Create your Learning plan to cope with emotional-triggers

21. Identify which habits are detrimental in your growth Replace old habits with new healthy ones — make new behavior simple and easy to do

22. Take challenges which stretches you to Build resilience for long-term success

23. Create a plan of better alternative which you will do when the same situation arises in the future

24. Identify how you want to handle things going forward

25. Understand the negative impact of the mistake — Understand the benefit of stopping these repeated mistakes

26. Seek opportunities to practice by Analyzing, reflecting and reviewing your mistakes and then taking corrective actions — Communicate effectively to all those who are affected by this mistakes

27. Learn to create Cognitive control — Stop dwelling on the mistakes made in the past

28. Train your brain to be future-focused and a mindset of taking actions towards your future big-picture

29. Regenerate your energies on creating a more powerful future and taking actions towards them

30. Adopt a growth mindset rather than a benefit mindsetThis article was originally published as “30 tips Stop Repeating Stupid Mistakes 15 Reasons We Repeat Mistakes “ in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life — personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships — please visit all three links http://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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