Why winning all the time is bad and When losing is winning


Many-times choosing to lose is essential to makes us the real winner — in the long-term and in the most profound ways.

We need to learn when to choose to fail/when to lose — strategically.

Because of our societal conditioning — failure and losing are considered very bad and negative.

That’s why we have politicians, students, employees, businesses and companies with their only one principle — winning at any cost AND winning by whatever it takes — irrespective of whether it is good or bad, legal or illegal, ethical or unethical.

Always winning and always being successful is a fantasy interwoven with hallucination and if someone is addicted with this — they certainly need big-time psychological expert help.

We end up learning more from our failures than we do from our successes and from listening to those who have lost constructively than those who’ve simply won.

I am a follower and champion for excellence rather than perfection — and I am not suggesting even for a moment that any of us — focus on losing or even strive for mediocrity.

All of us need to understand that Failing and Losing is equally important as winning and succeeding — In fact they are interdependent with and inseparable from each other.

Success and winning is the consequence — whereas losing and failing is part of the process to take us there.

A person who has trained himself/herself to be adept at dealing with uncertainties, setbacks, crises — quickly navigates to an alternate route and finds another solution — and in many instances a better one.

Unanticipated defeats make us more agile, flexible and adaptable.

People in a growth mindset thrive on challenges sought pro-actively.

We can only grow — when we stretch ourselves — beyond what we are capable of doing at present.

And when we stretch ourselves into the realm of unknown — we would definitely fail — many-many times, before we start winning.

Then too this win would not be permanent — Nothing ever is.

When you Win by Losing

In sports and competitive endeavors- there are clear-cut winners and losers.

But What do you think about winning and losing when you look at each day in your life. Are you winning? Are you growing, learning, succeeding.

Everyone can win. Everyone can also lose. It’s through our experiences that we grow.

To become an expert, you have to have experience and to get experience you have to experiment — and no experience ever come with water-tight positive-only experiences — meaning you will fail and lose battles once in a while.

You will WIN

1. When you take risk of ridicule AND IN-SPITE OF THE OUTCOME

I. Expressing what you feel

II. Expressing your fears

III. Asking for what you want

IV. Suggesting ways for improvement

V. Taking responsibility

VI. Taking initiatives by sticking your neck-out

VII. Being scared yet taking action

VIII. Challenging the experts

IX. Losing an argument — letting another person win

X. Refusing to be part of the rumor/gossip group

XI. When you go along with your own beliefs and passions — irrespective of popular wisdom being against it

XII. When you be totally yourself — vis-à-vis living a life as per others

2. When you let your child go for his/her dreams — instead of imposing your own wishes on him/her

3. When you make mistake — and — accept it

4. When you make mistake — and — then keep trying and making mistakes — till you find the most correct solutions

5. When you fail — but then you get up again — and restart

6. When people laugh at you — you also laugh at yourself — but still follow your heart

7. When we lose our innocence through being cheated/getting hurt/back-stabbed — but gain wisdom

8. When we lose/let-go of our expectations from others of for their approval, their appreciation, their recognition

9. When we lose our own false self-image and we face and accept who we are with our weaknesses and strengths

10. When we fail — but learn — where in our life we need to make changes — to grow

11. You are willing to give things a shot, even when you think that in probability it won’t work out — Probability means that the supposed odds are not in your favor. But make no mistake — probable does not equal possible

12. When even facing hurdles — you Follow your dreams — never even think of surrendering

13. When you take on new challenges — and then going on and learning all about it

14. When you get the spirit of just doing it

15. When you kill your urge to speak and be heard — and — listen with respect

16. When you respect others

17. When you don’t let anyone dis-respect you

18. When you respect, accept and love yourself

When is winning actually losing

In life and business — going for short-term gains through short-cuts/cutting corners often creates long-term losses — they happen when — for full read — You Can Actually Win When You Fail in success unlimited mantra



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